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all (No Subject) - Monkey J Candy ( Candyman) - 2011/10/17(Mon) 22:52:18 [No.2003]
Re: (No Subject) - takeshi - 2011/10/19(Wed) 14:42:39 [No.2004]
Re: (No Subject) - Monkey J Candy ( Candyman) - 2011/10/20(Thu) 06:05:00 [No.2005]

Re: (No Subject) (No.2003 への返信) - takeshi

Hi, thanks for letting me know about the group. ELEVEN sounds a lot and it must have been fun to talk in such a big group. I wish I could have... anyway, I hope I'll be free next time you have one. By the way, koiichi asked me to join the group online. Do you often have online voice chats with them? If possible, it's gotta be great , because people living far away can join our conversation group. I can even talk with you even if I'm nowhere near a computer.. talking over the phone.

[No.2004] 2011/10/19(Wed) 14:42:39

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