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all STEP 1st Grade Speech Topics ( 2012 - 1997 ) - Takeshi - 2013/06/14(Fri) 14:36:31 [No.2019]

STEP 1st Grade Speech Topics ( 2012 - 1997 ) - Takeshi

Hello there. I'm writing this time to let you know that I uploaded all the speech topics for the 1st Grade interview from 2012 through 1997. It seems that the current format ( 5 topics in each card) has been used since 1997, so all the topics are available to see and practice with. Some of the topics are also with my speech drafts and the numbers indicate where they are located. Hopefully you find it useful.

[ SPEECH TOPICS @ 2012 - 2007 ]


[ SPEECH TOPICS A 2006 - 1997 ]


[No.2019] 2013/06/14(Fri) 14:36:31

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